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A warranty statement recorded









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发表于 2023-10-9 13:53:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Contract, which means that the content of the guarantor's obligation can, in principle, be freely determined, which also allows for limitations on the obligations arising from the guarantee cf. judgment of the Court of Appeal in Gdańsk of September , , ref. no. act I ACa / . Therefore, the content of the warranty generally consists of two elements: providing a guarantor; rules of guarantor's liability. The guarantor is usually the manufacturer of the goods, the importer of the goods or the distributor.

It is worth remembering that the seller does not act as a guarantor. granting a warranty is not the obligationstatement in a recorded form, i.e. on paper or phone number list another durable medium. This right is held by the buyer, as well as by another person to whom the buyer has transferred the rights under the warranty (the warranty holder). Therefore, in accordance with this provision.

The person entitled to the warranty may request the guarantor to issue on paper or another durable medium (warranty document) cf. art. ( ) of the Civil Code .  of the guarantor, and the person entitled to the warranty, i.e. the buyer, is not obliged to examine the quality of the item covered by the warranty. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that unless a  IMPORTANT - the warrantyThe warranty period runs Summary You can read more about the warranty itself and the changes that took place in the Act of April , - Civil Code in this article.


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